We strive to be leaders in our profession and achieve success for our patients, our clients, and our team by pursuing excellence in veterinary medicine and customer service.
Meet the Team
Our Students
My name is Leah. I just joined the Heartland team in the summer of 2022. I live on my family’s sheep and beef farm just outside of Palmerston. I have a dog named Koda, a donkey named Jack, and lots of barn cats.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading and playing guitar. I am currently in grade 11 at LDSS and in the future, I hope to become a vet or vet tech.
I joined Heartland during the summer of 2021. I like to play baseball and hang out with friends during my free time. I have lived in Listowel for most of my life. My family and I have one dog. My dog is a Cockapoo named Chloe who loves to play fetch and cuddle.
Bio coming soon!
My name is Jayden. I joined the heartland team in 2021. I live in Gorrie with my family and furry friends! I have two dogs, Timber and Tango along with my two rabbits, Poppy and Cookies. In my spare time, I like to hang out with my friends and go outside with my dogs. In the future, I would love to become a vet tech!
Bio coming soon!
Bio coming soon!